2018 Annual Business Meeting & AALL Visit
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Ron Wheeler, Immediate Past President of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and Director of Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries at Boston University.
“Greetings from AALL and Focus on Implicit Bias”
Ron is a dynamic speaker and a recognized leader in the areas of legal research/instruction and diversity/inclusion. He will help us understand unconscious biases — social stereotypes about certain groups that individuals form outside of their conscious awareness — and the impact on perception and decision making.
DATE: Thursday, May 10, 2018
Iberia Tavern and Restaurant
80-84 Ferry St., Newark, NJ
Ample free parking available
Click here for Directions.
TIME: 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Program: 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.
Annual Business Meeting & Election: 1:45 – 2:30 p.m.
Please arrive promptly so that you can enjoy lunch & networking
COST: Members: $20.00 —- Students: $10:00 —- Non-Members: $30.00
RSVP: by Friday, May 4, 2018 to Johanna Bizub at jbizub@prudential.com
This program is generously sponsored by

Community Service Project: Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick Wish List –VISA/MC/Amex, Staples, Target, Amazon, Stop & Shop, Bed Bath & Beyond & Costco gift cards in increments of $10; coffee pods, paper towels, heavy duty paper plates (no Styrofoam), masking tape, pudding cups, solid white albacore tuna, heavy duty plastic cutlery, double-sided tape, packages of individual cereal boxes; checks payable to Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick. Thank you!
Lunch and Meeting checks payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association
Mail to: Johanna Bizub, Prudential Insurance, 751 Broad St., NJ-01-04-13, Newark, NJ 07102
2018 Annual Meeting Flyer
2018-2019 Executive Board Nomination Slate
The Business Meeting will include electing the 2018-19 Executive Board. In accordance with Article IX, Section 1 (b) of the bylaws, the Nominating Committee is pleased to present its candidates for the following offices:
(Appointed automatically by succession.)
Dennis Kim-Prieto
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ
Wei Fang
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ
(Appointed automatically by succession.)
Sheryll Rappaport
(Appointed to a 2 year term.)
Judith Simms
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ
Brittany Persson
Seton Hall Law Library
Newark, NJ
Kimberly Jackson
Lindabury, McCormick Estabrook & Cooper, PC
Westfield, NJ
Dinah Minkoff
Seton Hall Law Library
Newark, NJ
The Nominating Committee solicits the membership for input during the selection process and it is deemed that the nominees presented are the candidates of the membership. However, any member in good standing in the Association may make additional nominations by petition. The member must contact the President at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting, submitting the petition in writing, endorsed with the signatures of at least 10 other members, as specified in Article IX, Section 1 (c) of the Association’s bylaws.
Election of officers will occur at the Association’s annual business meeting on May 10 2018.