
NJ SLA Event: “From Crypto to Data – What Librarians Need to Know About Blockchain” with Debbie Ginsberg 🗓

You’ve heard the hype: Blockchain will either revolutionize the Internet or will fizzle out by the end of 2019. The reality is both more practical and more pervasive than the hype suggests. Blockchains and related technologies will change how we track data.

Debbie Ginsberg is the Educational Technology Librarian at Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago – Kent College of Law. Debbie has given technology presentations for the American Association of Law Libraries and the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference. She has also written numerous articles on legal technology. Debbie will explain the foundations of Blockchain as well as demonstrate how important this technology will be to librarians in the upcoming decade.

This NJ Special Libraries Association Event is open at the member rate to NJLLA members. Click here for full event details, including payment information and directions.

The Rutgers Club
Livingston Dining Commons, Second Floor
85 Avenue E
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Tuesday Evening
September 25, 2018
5:30 – 6:00 Networking
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
7:00 – 8:00 Speaker

NJLLA Annual Meeting, AALL Visit & Executive Board Election 🗓

2018 Annual Business Meeting & AALL Visit

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  Ron Wheeler, Immediate Past President of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and Director of Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries at Boston University.

“Greetings from AALL and Focus on Implicit Bias”

Ron is a dynamic speaker and a recognized leader in the areas of legal research/instruction and diversity/inclusion.  He will help us understand unconscious biases — social stereotypes about certain groups that individuals form outside of their conscious awareness — and the impact on perception and decision making.

DATE:   Thursday, May 10, 2018

Iberia Tavern and Restaurant
80-84 Ferry St., Newark, NJ
Ample free parking available
Click here for Directions.

TIME:  12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Program: 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.
Annual Business Meeting & Election:  1:45 – 2:30 p.m.

Please arrive promptly so that you can enjoy lunch & networking 

COST: Members: $20.00 —-  Students: $10:00 —- Non-Members: $30.00

RSVP: by Friday, May 4, 2018 to Johanna Bizub at

This program is generously sponsored by

Community Service Project:  Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick Wish List –VISA/MC/Amex, Staples, Target, Amazon, Stop & Shop, Bed Bath & Beyond & Costco gift cards in increments of $10; coffee pods, paper towels, heavy duty paper plates (no Styrofoam), masking tape, pudding cups, solid white albacore tuna, heavy duty plastic cutlery, double-sided tape, packages of individual cereal boxes; checks payable to Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick. Thank you!

Lunch and Meeting checks payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to: Johanna Bizub, Prudential Insurance, 751 Broad St., NJ-01-04-13, Newark, NJ 07102

2018 Annual Meeting Flyer
2018-2019 Executive Board Nomination Slate

The Business Meeting will include electing the 2018-19 Executive Board. In accordance with Article IX, Section 1 (b) of the bylaws, the Nominating Committee is pleased to present its candidates for the following offices:

(Appointed automatically by succession.)
Dennis Kim-Prieto
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ

Wei Fang
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ

(Appointed automatically by succession.)
Sheryll Rappaport

(Appointed to a 2 year term.)
Judith Simms
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ

Brittany Persson
Seton Hall Law Library
Newark, NJ

Kimberly Jackson
Lindabury, McCormick Estabrook & Cooper, PC
Westfield, NJ

Dinah Minkoff
Seton Hall Law Library
Newark, NJ

The Nominating Committee solicits the membership for input during the selection process and it is deemed that the nominees presented are the candidates of the membership.   However, any member in good standing in the Association may make additional nominations by petition.  The member must contact the President at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting, submitting the petition in writing, endorsed with the signatures of at least 10 other members, as specified in Article IX, Section 1 (c) of the Association’s bylaws.
Election of officers will occur at the Association’s annual business meeting on May 10 2018.

Apply Now for NJLLA’s Founders Grant to Attend the 2018 AALL Conference

The AALL Conference in Baltimore is approaching fast! It’s time to apply for NJLLA’s annual Founders Grant. The purpose of this Grant is to financially assist a member of NJLLA to attend the AALL Annual Meeting. The NJLLA Grant covers the cost of registration, transportation, and hotel accommodations up to $1,500. Applications are due Monday, April 23, 2018.

Applicants must be members of the New Jersey Law Librarians Association. Prior grant recipients (within the last five years) and current members of the Grants & Awards Committee are not eligible to apply. The recipient must submit an article by August 31, 2018, describing his/her experience at the meeting for posting on the NJLLA website.

Full details are available on the application, available here in Word and fillable PDF.

Questions may be directed to the Chair of our Grants & Awards Committee, Kathy Taggart, at or 973-422-6442.

April Meeting: Pro Bono Programs in New Jersey Law Firms, Schools, and Corporations 🗓

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
April 2018  Meeting 

Pro Bono Programs in New Jersey
Law Firms,
Schools, and Corporations

Panelists from Rutgers Law School, Prudential Insurance, and McCarter & English will talk about the Pro Bono initiatives at their organizations. They will discuss their philosophical approach, how people volunteer, and the connection with Continuing Legal Education. They will also address ways in which the law library can participate in and encourage their work.

Susan Feathers is the Assistant Dean for Pro Bono and Public Interest at Rutgers Newark Law School. During her time at Rutgers, Feathers has assisted in developing a range of public interest initiatives, including public interest career counseling, service-learning, and public interest fellowships.

Jack Lerner, the chair of the Pro Bono group at Prudential Insurance, is a lawyer with Prudential’s Enterprise Litigation Group. He provides litigation advice for the Annuities and Retirement Businesses and also advises all parts of the firm on antitrust and attorney-client privilege issues.

Michelle Movahed is the Pro Bono Director at McCarter & English. She is responsible for managing the Pro Bono Program in a manner that strategically and effectively implements the Firm’s commitment to providing free legal services to those who cannot afford them, in addition to supporting the Firm’s attorneys in their pro bono work and carrying her own caseload.

DATE and TIME:        Wednesday, April 11th, 2018, 12 noon to 1:30 PM

PLACE:                            McCarter & English, Newark NJ (Map)

COST:                              $15 members; $18 nonmembers; $7.50 students

RSVP:                              By Friday, April 6th   to Johanna Bizub,

Community Service Project: Collection for the Jersey Battered Women’s Service in Morris County. Current needs are girls and boys briefs, diapers, diaper wipes, pull ups, zip lock bags for freezer/refrigerator (all sizes!), aluminum foil, and plastic wrap. Travel mugs and refillable water bottles are also needed, as well as snacks, including animal crackers, pretzels, trail mix, fruit snacks, popcorn, nuts, cookies, juice boxes and bottles of water.

Gift cards to discount stores and supermarkets are especially appreciated. Cash and checks made out to JBWS are also welcome.  JBWS is a non-profit tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Make check for the event payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association
Mail to:
Johanna Bizub
Prudential Insurance
751 Broad St.
Newark, NJ 07102

April 2018 Meeting Flyer PDF

February Brown Bag Luncheon/Videoconference 🗓

Evolving Concepts of
the “Library” and Customer Service

Moderated by Gayle Lynn-Nelson
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Libraries are a customer service business. Customer service is the act of taking care of the users’ needs by providing  professional, helpful, high quality assistance before, during, and after their requirements are met.

Join the conversation about this timely topic, which will include best practices for delivery of research and coping with limited book collections.

Due to popular demand, we are continuing to offer this with a video-conference format.  You are welcome to join the discussion in person, at either the Newark or Roseland locations, or to dial in.

For those attending the brown bag luncheon in person, bring your own lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided by the host. 

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 12:00 noon 

Locations: Simultaneous Video Conference in 2 locations – join us in person or dial in from your desk.
                       Dial-in Access will be provided before the event

Lowenstein Sandler
NEW ADDRESS – One Lowenstein Dr., Roseland, NJ


McCarter & English
100 Mulberry St., Gateway 4, Newark, NJ

RSVP: Kathy Taggart at or 973-422-6442

RSVP by Monday, February 5, 2018


NJLLA’s 2017 Holiday Party 🗓


NJLLA’s Annual Holiday Party!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
5:00-8:00 p.m.

18 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 200
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Dinner Buffet and Dessert

The holiday party is generously sponsored by the Librarian Relations Team at

Please RSVP by Friday, December 1st to Joanne Murphy at

The Community Service Committee will be collecting
children’s books and pajamas for The Pajama Program.

SLA Event: “Explore the Internet of Things” with Speaker Projit Aon from Verizon 🗓

Special Libraries Association
Princeton-Trenton Chapter AND New Jersey Chapter

“Explore the Internet of Things”

Speaker: Projit Aon
Senior Manager of Product Management & Development
In Verizon’s Global Product and Services

Projit Aon leads product management for the Connectivity Management Group of ThingSpace IoT Platform.  He previously led product management for the Machine to Machine Management Center. He launched a series of network technologies, services and tools that address a large part of the IoT connectivity management market.  His career spans over 19 years in the technology and telecommunications industries.

Projit has an MBA from Columbia Business School, a Master of Engineering from Widener University and a Bachelor of Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology in India.

In his presentation, Projit will cover an overview of IoT, why IoT is important to us as consumers and why/how IoT is important for us to understand as Information Professionals. He will provide resources to follow to learn more.

The Rutgers Club
Livingston Dining Commons, Second Floor
85 Avenue E
Piscataway, NJ  08854

Thursday Evening
Nov. 2 , 2017
5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

SLA/SCIP/ALA/AIIP/NJLLA-Members (any chapter): $30
Non-Members: $40
Members who are Retired or Not Working/Any Students: $20

Click here for full information on RSVP, payment, and for directions to the event.

November Meeting: “Newark — Legal Capital of the State” by Robert Steinbaum, Esq. 🗓

November  2017  Meeting

Newark—Legal Capital of the State
Robert Steinbaum, Esq.

Trenton may be New Jersey’s official state capital, but Newark, where many of our members work, is the de facto legal capital of the state.  Rob Steinbaum will discuss the history of the Newark legal community – the large firms that started in the city, and the many other smaller firms, government offices, law schools, and non-profit legal organizations which call Newark home.

Mr. Steinbaum has been a prominent member of New Jersey’s legal community since he began his career as an Assistant United States Attorney in Newark after graduating from Yale and Georgetown Law School. He went on to be the publisher of the New Jersey Law Journal for 26 years and now serves as the Associate Dean for Advancement at Rutgers Law School.  He has held leadership positions on many boards in Newark and was the recipient of an award for outstanding and dedicated community service by the Legal Services Foundation of Essex County.

DATE/TIME:          Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, 12 noon to 1:30 PM 

PLACE:                      New Jersey Historical Society, 52 Park Place, Newark, NJ

COST:                         $15 members; $18 nonmembers; $7.50 students

RSVP:                         By Friday, October 27thst to Anne Shulman,

Community Service Project: Collection for Bethany Baptist Church Food Pantry, serving the Newark community . Top needs:  Cold and instant hot cereals, pasta and rice, peanut butter & jelly, coffee & tea, canned soup, meat & fish, canned fruit, juice & veggies, mac & cheese, baby food, shelf stable milk, and canned meals. Cash and check donations are also welcome.  Checks can be made payable to the Bethany Baptist Church, and please note Food Pantry & Clothes Closet on the memo line.

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to: Anne Shulman, Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti, PO Box 1981, Morristown, NJ 07962

Event Flyer PDF

October Brown Bag Luncheon: Video Viewing of AALL Keynote Speaker Bryan Stevenson 🗓


Video Viewing of AALL Keynote Speaker Bryan Stevenson

American Injustice: Mercy, Humanity and Making a Difference

Bryan Stevenson, a visionary legal thinker and social justice advocate, delivered an inspiring and memorable keynote address at this year’s AALL Annual Meeting in Austin. You could hear a pin drop during the speech, which was followed by a long-lasting standing ovation.

His thought-provoking ideas regarding achieving a fair and equitable legal system should be of interest to all legal information professionals. Those who have seen the speech can attest to its power.

Join us to watch the video and for a brief discussion at the end. For this brown bag luncheon, as always, bring your own lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided by the host.

Date & Time: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 12:00 noon

Locations: Simultaneous Video Conference in 2 locations – join us in person or dial in from your desk. Dial-in Access will be provided before the event

Lowenstein Sandler
NEW ADDRESS – One Lowenstein Dr., Roseland, NJ
Click here for directions


McCarter & English
100 Mulberry St., Gateway 4, Newark, NJ
Click here for directions

Contact: Kathy Taggart at or 973-422-6442

RSVP by Friday, October 6, 2017