NJLLA’s Founders Grant Award winner for 2022 was Association President Johanna Bizub. Johanna attended AALL in Denver and has provided a recap of her time there. Read her essay about the first AALL in-person meeting since 2019!
Category: Programs
NJLLA 2021 Annual Meeting Is In the Books!
NJLLA 2021 Annual Meeting & Program 🗓
Happy Birthday SCILS
Message From Renee Cullmann, President of NJLLA:
Hello NJLLA members: [] [Linked below] is an invitation for Rutgers School of Communication, Inofrmation and Library Studies (SCILS) 25th Anniversary celebration on 10/12/07 at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick. The Board thought that this event would be of interest to our members and we wanted to make you all aware of it. As our local library school we congratulate them on their 25th anniversary, and for turning out so many fine librarians, many of whom are NJLLAers. [Invitation]
Registration Open for "Libraries Without Borders II" (Toronto, Canada, October 17-20, 2007)
An early bird special rate is available for registration before August 1, 2007 (Registration). The Draft Preliminary Program as of May 10, 2007 is available here. [drc]