NJLLA Annual Business Meeting & 30th Anniversary Celebration! 🗓

2017 Annual Business Meeting   &
NJLLA’s 30th  Anniversary  Celebration

Thursday, May 11, 2017

 Keynote Speaker: Lucy Curci-Gonzalez, Executive Director, New York Law Institute

  “I Get By with a Little Help from My Colleagues:
Top Ten Reasons to Join Your Professional Association”

Lucy is a forward-thinking leader with three decades of experience in the law library field. She is an active member of AALL & PLLIP, LLAGNY, NJLLA and LLSDC.

DATE: Thursday May 11, 2017

PLACE: NJ Historical Society
52 Park Place  Newark, NJ
(convenient to Military Park Garage)

TIME:            11:00 am – 2:00 pm

11:00 am -12:00 pm:      NJLLA Annual Business Meeting & Election
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm:   Speaker
12:30 pm to 1:15 pm:      Lunch
1:15 pm:                            Research Library Tour & Exhibits (optional)
(World War I, Louis Bamberger, Ebb &  Flow, 50th commemoration of Newark Riots)

Please arrive promptly.

This program was generously supported by
LexisNexis Librarian Relations Group.

COST: Members: $10.00           Students: $5.00       Non-Members: $20.00

RSVP:  by Friday, May 5, 2017

Community Service Project: Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick
Wish List:

Visa/MC/Amex, Staples, Target, Amazon, Stop & Shop, Bed Bath & Beyond, & Costco gift cards in increments of $10; coffee pods, paper towels, heavy duty paper plates (no Styrofoam), masking tape, pudding cups, solid white albacore tuna, heavy duty plastic cutlery, double-sided tape, packages of individual cereal boxes.  Thank you!

Please make your check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to:
Johanna Bizub
Prudential Insurance
751 Broad Street  NJ-01-04-13
Newark NJ  07102-3714

email: jbizub@prudential.com  or call 973-367-3175

NJLLA Grants to Attend AALL Conference – Apply Now!

NJLLA has two grants available this year to send our chapter members to the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) conference in Austin this summer from July 15-18. And heads up – one of the due dates to apply is coming up fast!

One grant is our annual Founders Grant. The purpose of this Grant is to financially assist a member of NJLLA to attend the AALL Annual Meeting. This NJLLA Grant covers the cost of registration, transportation, and hotel accommodations up to $1,500. Receipts for these costs must be submitted to the NJLLA Treasurer. Applications are due April 17, 2017.

The other grant comes to us from AALL. Each Annual Meeting, AALL underwrites one free full registration ($599.00 value) for a number of chapters on a rotation basis.  NJLLA members are eligible for the grant this year.  AALL’s goal is to provide an enriching experience as the member learns and networks with colleagues from across the country. Applicant must be a member of the New Jersey Law Librarians Association and a newer member of the American Association of Law Libraries (joined AALL in 2008 or later.) Applications and essays for this grant are due very soon — March 29, 2017.

For both of these grants, prior grant recipients (within the last five years) and current members of the Grants & Awards Committee are not eligible to apply.

Full application information and details are available on the applications below.

2017 NJLLA Founders Grant Application available in Word and PDF.

2017 AALL Chapter Registration Award for NJLLA Members available in Word and PDF.

Questions may be directed to the Chair of our Grants & Awards Committee, Kathy Taggart, at ktaggart@lowenstein.com or 973-422-6442.


NJLLA April Program: The Changing Face of Family Law; Plus Annual Meeting Save the Date 🗓

The New Jersey Law Librarians Association welcomes speaker Ellen C. Marshall, Esq., for our April 4th luncheon event. Plus, please save the date for NJLLA’s annual meeting and 30th anniversary celebration! It will be held on May 11 at the New Jersey Historical Society in Newark. More details to come.


The Changing Face of Family Law
Ellen C. Marshall, Esq. 

Families have changed, economic regulations impacting those newly in the workforce have become more stringent, even case law has begun to evolve to recognize these sometimes seismic shifts.  Society’s expectations of divorce, however, have not always kept pace with legal, economic and sociological realties.

The impact of children spending more time with caregivers and teachers than parents; changes brought about in conjunction with recognizing the LGBTQ community; new custodial and economic demands of divorcing families; new challenges for borrowers and lenders and other social, legal and financial challenges of the 21st century will be discussed in this luncheon program. 

Ellen C. Marshall practiced Family Law for almost 26 years, after a career in social service. A graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law, Ellen also holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Appointed by courts as guardian ad litem in complex custody cases, Ellen’s practice focused on high net worth families and high conflict custody cases. Ellen currently teaches as adjunct faculty at Raritan Valley Community College.

DATE and TIME:       Tuesday, April 4, 2017, 12 noon to 1:30 PM

PLACE:                           Saiber, LLC, 18 Columbia Turnpike #200, Florham Park

COST:                              $12 members; $15 nonmembers; $6 students

RSVP:                              By Friday, March 31st to Leigh DeProspo ldeprospo@greenbaumlaw.com

Community Service Project: Marty’s Place Senior Dog Sanctuary, www.martysplace.org
Top wish list needs: Lysol wipes, mini milk bones, Milk Bone Maro Snacks, Milk Bone Trail Mix, Greenie-Pill Pockets, Bounty paper towels, training pads, Tide Pods laundry detergent, and Dawn dish detergent.  Also, gift cards from PetSmart, Petco, Pet Supply Plus, Pet Valu, Costco, and BJ’s. Cash or checks are also welcomed.

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to:
Leigh DeProspo
Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis
99 Wood Avenue South
Iselin, NJ 08830

February Brown Bag Luncheon: Tips, Tricks and Questions 🗓


Members Choice: Tips, Tricks and Questions
Moderated by Gayle Lynn-Nelson

Take advantage of this opportunity for members to bring up issues they are currently facing and to get feedback from the group.  An example might be how to handle a move, since many of our libraries are being relocated.  This is a chance to benefit from the wisdom and experience of your peers!

Submission of topics or questions before the event is encouraged.

In order to make it possible for more members to participate, we are introducing the video-conference option.  You are welcome to join the discussion in person, at either the Newark or Roseland location, or to dial in.

For those attending the brown bag luncheon in person, bring your own lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided by the host.

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 12:00 noon 

Locations: Simultaneous Video Conference in 2 locations – join us in person or dial in from your desk
Dial-in Access will be provided before the event

Lowenstein Sandler
65 Livingston Ave., Roseland, NJ 


McCarter & English
100 Mulberry St., Gateway 4, Newark, NJ 

Contact:  Kathy Taggart at ktaggart@lowenstein.com or 973-422-6442

RSVP by Friday, February 24, 2017

NJLLA’s Annual Holiday Party 🗓


NJLLA’s Annual Holiday Party!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
5:00-8:00 p.m.

18 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 200
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Dinner Buffet and Dessert

The holiday party is generously sponsored by the Librarian Relations Team at

Please RSVP by December 2nd to Joanne Murphy at jmurphy@saiber.com.

The Community Service Committee will be collecting
children’s books and pajamas for The Pajama Project.

November Meeting: Secrets of Tax Research 🗓

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
November 2016  Meeting

Secrets of Tax Research

Sarah Jaramillo, Reference Librarian at NYU

Legal areas that are laden with jargon and have a complex administrative component can intimidate even the strongest  researchers. Taxation is definitely one of those legal areas. However, a breakdown of the basics of tax law authority and tax law research can demystify this process. Join Sarah Jaramillo, reference librarian at New York University Law Library, in this program on the basics of tax research. This session will also include navigation tips for Checkpoint, Bloomberg BNA and other tax specialty sources.

Thursday, November 17, 2016, 12 noon to 1:30 PM

McCarter & English
Four Gateway Center
100 Mulberry St.
Newark, NJ


$12 members; $15 nonmembers; $6 students

By Thursday, November 10, 2016 to Caroline Young
email: caroline.young.rutgers@gmail.com

Community Service Project:
The Committee will be collecting canned and boxed food for a local food pantry. Cash donations are also appreciated.

Make check payable to:
New Jersey Law Librarians Association
Mail to: Caroline Young, Rutgers Law School
123 Washington St, Newark, NJ 07102

Full Event Flyer (PDF)

NJLLA Annual Business Meeting, AALL Visit & Nomination Slate for 2016-17 🗓 🗺

2016 Annual Business Meeting & AALL Visit

Join us for our Annual Meeting at one of Newark’s most exciting new venues and a one-of-a-kind rooftop bar and lounge, SkyLab at Hotel Indigo. We will be joined by Holly Riccio, Immediate Past President of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL).  Holly is the Director of Knowledge Management at Nossaman LLP in the San Francisco Bay area, where she manages the development and implementation of innovative strategic initiatives firm wide and oversees all aspects of the Firm’s daily library operations.

DATE:                Thursday, May 5, 2016

LOCATION:     SkyLab at Hotel Indigo
810 Broad St., Newark, NJ

TIME:                12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Lunch:  12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
Program: 1:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Annual Business Meeting & Election: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.  See nomination slate below

Please arrive promptly so that you can enjoy lunch & networking 

COST:             Members: $25.00        Students: $15.00         Non-Members: $35.00

RSVP: by Friday, April 29, 2016 

This program is generously sponsored by

Community Service Project:

New Brunswick Ronald McDonald House: A “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children receiving care at local medical facilities.
Heavy duty paper plates & bowls; to-go food storage containers; small bottles of blowing bubbles; white non-slip shelf liner; packages of snack size wrapped cookies, nuts, granola bars, fruit bars and snack size bags of chips (all kinds). Gift cards for Target, Stop & Shop, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Costco.

Check donations (made payable to The Ronald McDonald House) are also gratefully accepted.

RSVP for the Event with a check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association 

Mail to: Kathy Taggart, Lowenstein Sandler, 65 Livingston Ave., Roseland NJ, 07068
email: ktaggart@lowenstein.com or call 973-422-6442

2016 Annual Meeting Flyer (PDF)
2016-2017 Nomination Slate (PDF)


In accordance with Article IX, Section 1 (b) of the bylaws, the Nominating Committee is pleased to present its candidates for the following offices:

(Appointed automatically by succession.)
Joanne Murphy
Saiber LLC
Florham Park, NJ

Sheryll Rappaport
McCarter & English LLP
Newark, NJ

(Appointed automatically by succession.)
ianne Oster
Seton Hall Law Library
Newark, NJ

(Appointed to a 2 year term.)
Anne Shulman
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP
Morristown, NJ

Rebecca Kunkel
Rutgers Law Library
Newark, NJ

Johanna Bizub
Prudential Insurance Company
Newark, NJ

Leigh DeProspo
Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP
Iselin, NJ


The Nominating Committee solicits the membership for input during the selection process and it is deemed that the nominees presented are the candidates of the membership. However, any member in good standing in the Association may make additional nominations by petition. The member must contact the President at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting, submitting the petition in writing, endorsed with the signatures of at least 10 other members, as specified in Article IX, Section 1 (c) of the Association’s bylaws.


Election of officers will occur at the Association’s annual business meeting on May 5, 2016.

April Meeting: Reflections on Women in the Law by Justice Virginia Long 🗓 🗺

<div class="event_data status-EventScheduled location-type-OfflineEventAttendanceMode " style="border-left-color:#e87f0f;background:rgba(232,127,15,0.1)" itemscope itemtype="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard"> <div class="event_date" data-start="Tuesday 5 April 2016" data-end="Tuesday 5 April 2016"> <time itemprop="dtstart" datetime="2016-04-05T12:00:00-04:00"><span class="date date-single">April 5, 2016</span> <span class="linking_word linking_word-from">from</span> <span class="time time-start">12:00 pm</span> <span class="linking_word linking_word-to">to</span> <span class="time time-end">2:00 pm</span> </time> </div><!-- .event_date --><span class="eventpost-status">Scheduled</span> <span class="event_categories"> <span class="event_category">Blog </span> <span class="event_category">Events </span></span> <address data-id="2820" data-latitude="40.78054626980958" data-longitude="-74.3718523908586" data-marker="" data-iconcode="f230" data-icon="" data-color="#e87f0f" itemprop="adr" class="eventpost-address"> <span> Saiber LLC 18 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 20 Florham Park, NJ </span> <a class="event_link gps dashicons-before dashicons-location-alt" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=40.78054626980958&lon=-74.3718523908586&zoom=13" target="_blank" itemprop="geo">Map</a> </address></div>

Reflections on Women in the Law

Presented by Retired New Jersey
Supreme Court Justice Virginia Long

As a 1966 graduate of Rutgers School of Law – Newark, and a practicing attorney and jurist for decades thereafter, Justice Virginia Long is uniquely qualified to offer reflections on women in the legal profession. When Justice Long began her legal career, women were still strangers in a male-dominated profession. Nevertheless, she quickly rose to positions of prominence and leadership, including as Commissioner of Banking. Few women had served as judges when Governor Byrne tapped her for the bench in 1978; and even fewer had served as justices of the New Jersey Supreme Court when Governor Whitman elevated her to that position in 1999. On the High Court she served with distinction until her retirement in 2012. Mark your calendar and join us as Justice Long shares with us her unique insights into women in the legal profession based on her legal career now spanning 50 years.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 12 noon to 2PM

Saiber LLC
18 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 20
Florham Park, NJ

Directions: http://www.saiber.com/office.asp?id=1&/Florham_Park

$12 members; $15 nonmembers; $6 students

By Wednesday, March 30, 2016 to Anne Shulman; email: ashulman@riker.com

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to:
Anne Shulman
Riker Danzig LLP
One Speedwell Ave
PO Box 1981
Morristown, NJ 07962-1981

Community Service Project:

Supplies for an animal shelter: canned cat and kitten food; canned dog and puppy food; peanut butter; dog and cat treats; hard dog toys and cat toys; gift cards for national pet stores; blankets and towels. Cash donations are also welcome.


NJLLA’s Annual Holiday Party!


NJLLA’s Annual Holiday Party!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
5:00-8:00 p.m.

Lowenstein Sandler
LS West Building
65 Livingston Ave
Roseland, NJ 07068

Dinner Buffet and Dessert

The holiday party is generously sponsored by the Librarian Relations Team at

Please RSVP by November 30th to Kathy Taggart at ktaggart@lowenstein.com.

The Community Service Committee will be collecting
children’s books and pajamas for The Pajama Project.

NJLLA October Meeting: Challenges Faced by Librarians in our Rapidly Changing Political and Social Climate

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
October 2015 Meeting

Challenges Faced by Librarians in our
Rapidly Changing Political and Social Climate
Presented by Raymond Brown, Esq.

Raymond Brown is a Partner at Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis and Chair of the White Collar Crime and International Human Rights Practice Group.  Among his many accomplishments, he is the host of an Emmy award winning New Jersey public television program, “Due Process.”  He will present a thoughtful discussion which will include the relevance of literature, such as To Kill a Mockingbird, to law and human rights.  For further information on Ray Brown, see www.greenbaumlaw.com/attorneys-Raymond-Brown.html

DATE and TIME: Thursday, October 29, 2015, 12 noon to 2PM

PLACE: The Newark Public Library
5 Washington Street, Newark, NJ
NOTE: The address on the flyer mailed out to members was incorrect. Please note this correct address of the Main Branch of the Newark Public Library.

Directions and parking: www.npl.org/Pages/AboutLibrary/directions.html#parking

COST: $18 members; $20 nonmembers; $9.00 students

RSVP: By Friday, October 23, 2015 to Anne Shulman at ashulman@riker.com

Community Service Project:
The Committee will be collecting canned and boxed food for a local food pantry. Cash donations are also appreciated.

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to: Anne Shulman
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland Perretti LLP
P.O. Box 1981
Morristown, NJ 07962

PDF of Event Flyer