
Nominations for the Innovations in Technology Award Due on March 1, 2021

This is a friendly reminder that the nominations for the Innovations in Technology Award are due on March 1, 2021!

This Award was established to honor technological projects/innovations that impact and benefit library users and/or the legal information community and that support the strategic goals and business objectives of the creators’ organization. A nominee’s use of technology must demonstrate how librarians or information professionals effectively and efficiently serve as the human connection between technology, the information, and the user experience.

Nomination applications and supporting documentation must describe 1) the application of technology, 2) how the application benefits library users and or the legal information community and 3) how the technology resource is an example of librarians and information professionals effectively and efficiently serving as the human connection between technology, information, and the user experience.

More information and a list of past winners is available here:

Nomination Form is available here:

There are no restrictions on the number of entries an applicant may submit, but each entry must be submitted separately.

To submit a nomination, please email the nomination form and supporting documentation to Christopher Siwa,

Program Recap: Teaching and Learning in the Virtual World

The New Jersey Law Librarians Association kicked off the 2020-21 year with a program entitled “Teaching and Learning in the Virtual World”, moderated by Johanna Bizub and Gayle Lynn-Nelson. Twenty members were in attendance at various times throughout the virtual program and everyone enjoyed seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar voices.

Johanna had reached out to NJLLA members about how people are coping with the pandemic and what changes they have made. Some members are going into the office once in a while or more frequently (including choosing to go in at night to avoid people in the office during daytime hours). Staying home has its own challenges – sharing space 24/7 with family members who may also be trying to work or attend school. Pets are different – we love being home with our pets! Making a comfortable space – an office, the dining room table – with a proper setup is essential. Some members took home chairs and monitors, others have purchased webcams, monitors, headsets and other equipment. We’re no longer working from home sporadically or one day a week, it’s full-time and your setup needs to change to avoid back pain, etc. Standing up and moving around is key.

Everyone is looking at converting print to digital format or just cancelling print during this time. It’s also been an opportunity to grow and learn new skills and adapt quickly to a changing environment. There are struggles with burnout – these are hard times.

After sharing circumstances and ideas, Gayle provided some great ideas for making meetings and trainings more interesting (the Powerpoint is here). As we stay virtual, it’s important to keep connecting with people on a personal level as well as a professional level. NJLLA’s Program Committee hopes to continue offering opportunities for professional and personal connection for all of our members. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

NJLLA Annual Holiday Party 🗓

Join NJLLA at the annual holiday party on December 2, 2020 from 5pm-6pm. For the first time, it’s virtual!

Show up to the zoom party in festive attire – prizes will be awarded! There will also be games, crafts, drinks, and most importantly – good conversation and company!

The Holiday party is for NJLLA members only. RSVP as soon as possible, but if you would like to receive a party package, RSVP no later than November 23rd to with a mailing address.

The Community Service Committee will be donating children’s books and pajamas to the Pajama Project. Join us by dropping off your book and pajama donations, or having them shipped directly to the various drop off locations. If you email a picture of you dropping off your donation we will share it at the party.

Thank you to Thomson Reuters for generously sponsoring the holiday party!

AALL’s Emerging Leader Award

Let’s show our NJLLA Pride, and nominate one of our own (or yourself – self-nominations are permitted)!   

AALL is now accepting nominations for the Emerging Leader Award. This award recognizes newer members who have made significant contributions to the profession and have demonstrated the potential for leadership and continuing excellence.

Selection criteria include:

  • The nominee must be a member in good standing of AALL
  • The nominee must be in their first 10 years of law library experience
  • The nominee must not have previously received an Emerging Leader Award
  • The nominee must have made a significant contribution to the Association and/or the profession.
  • The nominee must have shown outstanding promise for continuing service and leadership. Specific examples of their continuing activities must be provided.

The nomination deadline is February 1st, 2021. Letters of recommendation can take some time to gather and holidays are approaching, so we encourage you to begin the process as soon as possible in order to meet the deadline.

More details on the award, including a link to the Nomination Form, can be found here: Emerging Leader Award

November Program: Teaching & Learning in the Virtual World 🗓

Join us for a discussion of new approaches, tips, tricks to teaching, learning and working in the virtual workplace. The discussion will be moderated by Gayle Lynn-Nelson and Johanna Bizub. Members contributed ideas and we look forward to members sharing additional thoughts, problems, struggles and solutions.

DATE: Thursday, November 19, 2020
TIME: 1:00 to 2:00 pm
RSVP: Email your RSVP to Kathy Taggart,, by Tuesday, November 17th. You will then receive a calendar invite with WebEx details.

Community Service Project:
Our annual November Community Service Project is traditionally a food collection. Since we are virtual, we are suggesting that you donate to your local food pantry or through a collection box at your grocery store. The Community Food Bank of New Jersey also offers online donations at Click the Donate Now button.

Contribute to the Upcoming November Program


NJLLA is planning a virtual discussion on November 19, 2020, from 1-2 pm entitled “What We’re Doing: Creating New Ways to Teach, Reach and Thrive in the New Hybrid Environment.” We hope it will be a lively and informative session for all. Details about the November program will be forthcoming under a separate announcement.

In preparation for this program, we would love for members to address the questions below and share your experiences ahead of time to give us a jumping off point during the program. Please send your answers or struggles to our meeting coordinator Johanna Bizub at or call Johanna at 973-714-3408.

Our work situations have changed dramatically. Some are still all virtual and some are working a few hours or days in the office. We are all being creative and we would like to share what our members have found to be helpful. We know there are still some areas where we have not yet found solutions.


Are you still working from home?
Have you returned to the office? If so, how many hours or days?
Have your working hours been affected?
Has your budget been adjusted?
How are you dealing with everything virtual? Meetings, phone calls, trainings?
Home office settings — did you change anything to make it work better? How are dealing with materials that can’t be sent via email?
Vendor interactions, including returning materials, filing, invoices — What are you doing? Does it work?

NJLLA Virtual Annual Business Meeting – June 19, 2020 🗓

The New Jersey Law Librarians Association invites our Membership to participate in our first ever Virtual Annual Business Meeting.

The teleconference will be held via WebEx on Friday, June 19, 2020 at 12:00 noon (EDT).

You can RSVP by emailing NJLLA Treasurer Kathy Taggart at You do not have to RSVP again if you have already done so. Attendees will receive a link and password prior to the meeting. The RSVP deadline is Thursday, June 18th at 5 pm.

If you’d like to submit a question ahead of time to be answered during the Open Discussion, enter it into Survey Monkey here

The Agenda for the Meeting:

  • Introduction and Housekeeping Rules
  • Call to Order
  • Approval of Minutes of the Last Annual Business Meeting
  • Approval of the 2019-2020 Treasurer’s Report
  • State of the Association (Summary of Committee Reports)
  • Outgoing President Remarks
  • Approval of Slate of Candidates for 2020-21 Executive Board
  • Incoming President’s Address
  • Open Discussion

We look forward to seeing you all there!

-NJLLA Executive Board 2019-2020