
Book Club Recap – “American Dirt”

The NJLLA Book Club met on April 8, 2021 to discuss the book “American Dirt” by Jeanine Cummins. Gayle Lynn-Nelson was the moderator and was well prepared with a number of good discussion topics and questions for the group. Lively discussions ensued about the characters and the author, who has been the focus of some controversy. Overall, the attendees agreed that it’s a very good read, especially if you don’t know about the author first. Look for the next book club gathering in the summer of 2021.

Apply for NJLLA’s Founders Grant for AALL Conference

It’s time to think about the AALL Conference! Because the conference is virtual in 2021, this year NJLLA is able to offer up to three (3) Founders Grants to assist our members to attend the virtual conference. The grant covers the cost of the conference up to $125 per grant. You must be an NJLLA member to be eligible, and this year you can apply even if you’ve received the grant in the recent past. The deadline for applying is April 26, 2021.

Click here for the instructions and application, available as a fillable PDF. Please be sure to adhere to all rules and deadlines. This is a wonderful opportunity for our members so we encourage all to apply.

NJLLA Executive Board Message about Racism

NJLLA joins the calls for an end to the racism directed at the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We must stand in support and solidarity with all who have been affected by racial discrimination. As an organization, we remain committed to promoting diversity, equality and inclusiveness.

For resources and information on how to help, visit

The NJLLA Executive Board

Authorship Opportunity for Hein

*Posted on behalf of Christina Glon for Hein*

Hi NJLLA Members!

I am the new editor of Hein’s State Practice Materials: Annotated Bibliographies and am seeking an author(s) to update the New Jersey bibliography for inclusion in a 20th Anniversary Edition of the publication.  The New Jersey bibliography (see here) is one of our priority states for update and inclusion in the 20th Anniversary edition.  It was last updated in 2008 by David Hollander (Princeton) who is stepping aside as author of record.  As such, we are seeking a new author(s) to step into the author of record position and update the New Jersey bibliography.  Our timeline for New Jersey is an updated draft bibliography ready for an initial review by Monday, May 10, 2021 and final submission to Hein for publication by Wednesday, September 1, 2021. 

First published in 2001 with five states, the STATE PRACTICE MATERIALS: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES has expanded over the years to include 40 states!  November 2021 marks the 20th Anniversary of the publication and I have been working with Hein on updating (and adding) as many state bibliographies as possible to celebrate this milestone. 

If you are interested authoring the New Jersey update, would you please let me know by Friday, March 26th?  The 20th Anniversary edition will include a new bibliography template to better incorporate online materials and make it an easier tool to use for researchers.  And the fresh, new streamlined look is always a nice bonus.  If you have any questions at all about the publication, the New Jersey bibliography, the timeline or anything else at all about the project, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you so much for considering joining the Hein team and this publication!


Christina Glon, JD, MSLIS
Associate Law Librarian for Research Services
Emory University School of Law
Hugh F. MacMillan Law Library
1301 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30322
(404) 727-0452

NJLLA Virtual Game Night Was Great Fun

On Wednesday, March 3rd, NJLLA held its first Virtual Game Night, coordinated by President Brittany Persson and ably assisted by Kristina Anderson.

The group first played an ice breaker game of 2 Truths and a Lie, where we found out some interesting facts about some of our members!  

We then played several rounds of “Split the Room,” a Jackbox game where you have to fill in the blank with something you think will divide the room’s response. The more divisive it is, the more points you get. The game culminates with an insane final round composed of distressing dilemmas.  Lots of laughs in the first round (fill in the blank user errors!) and in various responses to crazy scenarios.

Thanks to Brittany for coordinating this program for us!

Johanna Bizub and Kathy Taggart are scheming another program this spring.

Already on the schedule:

Thursday, April 8th – NJLLA Book Club – American Dirt – Discussion moderated by Gayle Lynn-Nelson.  RSVP to Kathy Taggart,

Tuesday, May 11th – NJLLA Annual Meeting – 12 to 1:30 p.m. – SAVE THE DATE!  Details will be sent out soon.

Seeking Nominations for the NJLLA Executive Board

Our Nominations Committee seeks candidates for the upcoming Executive Board elections.  The committee will select a slate of candidates to present to our membership for the 2021 election.  We will choose up to two candidates for the position of vice president/president-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and for each of the two Member-at-Large seats on the Executive Board.  Interested candidates should review the position duties in the NJLLA Policy & Procedure Manual.

To nominate yourself or an NJLLA colleague, please send a brief description of fewer than three paragraphs to the current chair of the Nominations Committee, Dennis Prieto, at by February 1st.

For the 2021 election, ballots will be distributed and voting will occur at the NJLLA Annual Meeting in May, where the results will be announced.

Nominations for the Innovations in Technology Award Due on March 1, 2021

This is a friendly reminder that the nominations for the Innovations in Technology Award are due on March 1, 2021!

This Award was established to honor technological projects/innovations that impact and benefit library users and/or the legal information community and that support the strategic goals and business objectives of the creators’ organization. A nominee’s use of technology must demonstrate how librarians or information professionals effectively and efficiently serve as the human connection between technology, the information, and the user experience.

Nomination applications and supporting documentation must describe 1) the application of technology, 2) how the application benefits library users and or the legal information community and 3) how the technology resource is an example of librarians and information professionals effectively and efficiently serving as the human connection between technology, information, and the user experience.

More information and a list of past winners is available here:

Nomination Form is available here:

There are no restrictions on the number of entries an applicant may submit, but each entry must be submitted separately.

To submit a nomination, please email the nomination form and supporting documentation to Christopher Siwa,

Program Recap: Teaching and Learning in the Virtual World

The New Jersey Law Librarians Association kicked off the 2020-21 year with a program entitled “Teaching and Learning in the Virtual World”, moderated by Johanna Bizub and Gayle Lynn-Nelson. Twenty members were in attendance at various times throughout the virtual program and everyone enjoyed seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar voices.

Johanna had reached out to NJLLA members about how people are coping with the pandemic and what changes they have made. Some members are going into the office once in a while or more frequently (including choosing to go in at night to avoid people in the office during daytime hours). Staying home has its own challenges – sharing space 24/7 with family members who may also be trying to work or attend school. Pets are different – we love being home with our pets! Making a comfortable space – an office, the dining room table – with a proper setup is essential. Some members took home chairs and monitors, others have purchased webcams, monitors, headsets and other equipment. We’re no longer working from home sporadically or one day a week, it’s full-time and your setup needs to change to avoid back pain, etc. Standing up and moving around is key.

Everyone is looking at converting print to digital format or just cancelling print during this time. It’s also been an opportunity to grow and learn new skills and adapt quickly to a changing environment. There are struggles with burnout – these are hard times.

After sharing circumstances and ideas, Gayle provided some great ideas for making meetings and trainings more interesting (the Powerpoint is here). As we stay virtual, it’s important to keep connecting with people on a personal level as well as a professional level. NJLLA’s Program Committee hopes to continue offering opportunities for professional and personal connection for all of our members. Happy Thanksgiving to all!