Click here for the May 2007 issue. [drc]
Legal Wikis
Check out the nice list of legal wikis in Robert Ambrogi’s article, Legal Professionals Are Using Wikis – Widely and Wisely, from Social Computing Magazine. [drc]
Legalease Today
Feres Doctrine (feer-is or feer-eez or fer-ez). Torts. The rule that a member of the military is barred from recovering damages from the United States on a claim brought under the Federal Tort Claims Act for injuries sustained in military service. [drc]
The Four Habits of Highly Effective Librarians
From The Chronicle of Higher Education, Todd Gilman provides a list of “four traits that would not only make librarians more effective, but happier and more productive, too.” [drc]
Legalease Today
Adhesion Contract. A standard-form contract prepared by one party, to be signed by the party in a weaker position, usually a consumer, who adheres to the contract with little choice about the terms. — Also termed contract of adhesion; adhesive contract; adhesory contract; adhesionary contract; take-it-or-leave-it contract; leonine contract. [DRC]
Legalease Today
Res Judicata [Latin “a thing adjudicated”] An issue that has been definitively settled by judicial decision. [DRC]
If You’re Thinking of Getting Your MLS…
Makre sure you read this interesting Library Journal blog entry about things to consider before opting for a virtual education: Online MLS– Things to Consider When Applying.
News from Thomson West
West reference attorneys Ed Fisher, Katy Hauck and Andy O’Meara discuss how they approach the calls, e-mails and live chat messages they get every day. They also talk about why they became reference attorneys and offer advice for Westlaw customers in how to best use their help. Click here for more on this new Westcast Podcast.
And The Best Search Engine Is…
Read Jeff Bertolucci’s (PC World) Search Engine Shoot-Out for the verdict.
Hindsight and Second-Guessing
I’m sure we’ve all dealt with this issue before – tossing a book only to have someone ask why. A typical response – for some of us: “We’re Not an Archive”. Make sure you read some of the responses (entertaining stuff).