
Lawyers for Libraries Meets In Denver, November 8, 2007

ALA’s Lawyers for Libraries, in conjunction with the Colorado Association for Libraries, will be hosting a training institute in Denver, Colorado on November 8, 2007. According to its website:

Lawyers for Libraries, an ongoing project of the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom, is designed to build a nationwide network of attorneys committed to the defense of the First Amendment freedom to read and the application of constitutional law to library policies, principles, and problems.

Lawyers for Libraries workshops are open to licensed, practicing attorneys retained to represent or advise libraries on legal issues. Library trustees or board members who are responsible for establishing library policy may also attend. Librarians may attend if they are accompanied by a library attorney.

Click here for secure online registration for this program.

Law Librarians in New Orleans

Page 36 of the September 2007 issue of American Libraries has a report on the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 100th annual meeting, which took place in New Orleans July 14-17. Aside from the professional conferences and workshops, AALL members participated in several community service activites in the Crescent City.

Creating The Next Generation Of Lawyers

A Corpus Christi, Texas attorneys’ group has been honored by the American Bar Endowment for creating a Kids Law Library at the Los Encinos Elementary School (read the full story here, but note that registration may be required to view the article). With a grant of $1,000 from the Texas Young Lawyers Association and $250 from other sources, the group was able to garner donations of age-appropriate books on a variety of legal topics, including biographies of Supreme Court Justices and fictional stories with legal themes.

This sounds like a wonderful project to emulate in New Jersey – a way to introduce youngsters to legal concepts through their elementary school libraries.

Bloggers Wanted!

Help keep this resource alive by volunteering to locate and post content on this site. No experience is necessary. All you need is an interest in locating and providing useful information to your NJLLA colleagues.

If interested, send an email to daniel_campbell at

NJ State Library Blue Ribbon Task Force Seeks Applicants

Participation in NJSL Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Future – applications needed by August 15, 2007

Norma Blake, New Jersey State Librarian, has instituted a “Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Future” to continue the groundbreaking work begun by the Mid-Atlantic Library Futures Conference. The State Library recognizes that it is imperative to have input from the people who are shaping the future of New Jersey’s libraries.

This is an open invitation to anyone currently working in a New Jersey library who has an interest in the future of libraries to apply for a possible appointment to the Task Force. The

Task Force will comprise members from different types of libraries and from different job titles. Applications will be reviewed by a panel selected by the State Librarian and appointments made following the review process. The goal of the Task Force will be to make recommendations about how libraries can respond in the future to the information received at the conference and the challenges presented. How can local libraries and the State Library respond to projected demographic changes, growing diversity, an aging population, and technological advances?

We expect that this task force will require a short-term commitment. It is expected that the task force will meet once a month for six months, beginning September 2007, culminating in a report to the State Librarian by March 2008. The report will be presented at the April 2008 NJLA Conference.

If you are interested in serving on this panel, please complete page two of the application which can be found at and return it by August 15, 2007 to:

Peggy Cadigan
Consultant for Innovation and Communication
New Jersey State Library
185 West State Street
P.O. Box 520
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0520

You may send the application as a word document e-mail attachment or fax it to: 609-633-3963.

Contact Peggy Cadigan with any questions. 609-278-2640, Ext. 113 or 609-292-4161, pcadigan at

Electronic Data Discovery Curriculum Coming to NJ Law Schools

According to the edd blog line, “With electronic data discovery rapidly taking the place of document production, New Jersey’s law schools are offering courses to immerse soon-to-be litigators in the new practice.Courses will begin at Seton Hall University School of Law and Rutgers Law School-Newark this fall and at Rutgers-Camden next year” (more).