
HeinOnline Seeks Beta Testers

From the HeinOnline Weblog: New “MyHein” feature coming soon! Beta testers needed Our development team has been working on a new feature called “MyHein” which will allow users to bookmark relevant links as well as track their research time.We are looking for users interested in volunteering to help us test this new feature and provide feedback as to what we should change to make this feature as valuable as possible to the legal researcher. The following screen shot is a sneak peak of this new feature:If you are interested in testing this new feature, please e-mail us We will then contact you to set up access and provide more information regarding the functionality of the new MyHein feature.

Thank you, HeinOnline

Happy Birthday SCILS

Message From Renee Cullmann, President of NJLLA:

Hello NJLLA members: [] [Linked below] is an invitation for Rutgers School of Communication, Inofrmation and Library Studies (SCILS) 25th Anniversary celebration on 10/12/07 at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick. The Board thought that this event would be of interest to our members and we wanted to make you all aware of it. As our local library school we congratulate them on their 25th anniversary, and for turning out so many fine librarians, many of whom are NJLLAers. [Invitation]

ATS Corporation Awarded Contract In Support of the Law Library of Congress

The ATS Corporation has been awarded a 5-year, $14 million Global Legal Information Network contract in support of the Law Library of Congress. Under this contract, ATSC will host, maintain and enhance and a supporting distance learning program. Currently available in 13 languages, ATSC will add Hebrew and simplified Chinese language support for in the first contract year.

For further details, click here.

HeinOnline Enters the Blogosphere…

From a post on their new blog: Introducing the New HeinOnline Blog! Welcome!With so many exciting things happening everyday in HeinOnline, we are launching this blog to provide on-demand information to users around the world! This blog will offer insight to our newest products, notify customers of our latest interface enhancements, and share tips to help improve customers research experience. Anyone from students and librarians to professionals world-wide will be able to use our blog to communicate with our development team, share tips with other subscribers, or simply to read what other HeinOnline users are saying.Additionally, we will be offering Blog giveaways to our faithful readers. Don’t miss your chance to win prizes including: ipods, iphones, and much more! This blog was created for you, our loyal users, therefore we encourage your feedback to tell us what particular topics you would like to hear more about in this blog. We are always looking for ways to better serve our loyal customers.

Cumberland County Library Director Reflects on Technology Changes Over the Years

From today’s, Cumberland County Library Director Nancy Forester reflects on the changes that have taken place in libraries during her 42 year library career. Click here for more.

Law Library of Congress To Mark Constitution Day on September 17th

On Monday, September 17th, the Law Library of Congress and the Constitution Project will celebrate National Constitution Day by hosting a bipartisan panel discussion on the subject of the American Constitution this coming Monday, September 17th, in Washington, DC.

For more information about the festivities, click here.