
Organization Course Offered by HSLANJ

From a recent email sent to the NJLLA mailing list:

Health Sciences Library Association of New Jersey (HSLANJ) Meeting It’s About Time, It’s About Space: Time and File Management. The intended audience for this program is anyone would like to gather newideas for getting or staying organized. The content is not specific to medical librarians.Wednesday, March 12, 2008. See, for more.

The Vanishing Librarians?

A provocative editorial from the February 15th Library Journal, wherein John N. Berry III, Editor-at-Large, opines: “once professional responsibilities of librarians are being dumbed down into the duties of retail clerks or the robotic responses of machines.” Feel free to comment here or on the article site.

CT Files Suit Over Law Library (CT) reports: “Six years after a study showed granite was coming loose at the University of Connecticut law library, the state is suing 15 companies involved in its construction, citing a litany of flaws that have made the structure what one official called a “house of horrors.” (More)