
Thompson To Refund Over $1.2 Million In Florida for Automatic Updates

The Tampa Bay Business Journal reports that Thompson Publishing Group Inc. will pay over $1.2 million in refunds to Florida customers for unsolicited products they were receiving as part of Thompson’s “Automated Update Program” that periodically distributed and billed customers for publications without their prior notice. The Florida Attorney General’s office began this investigation after Thompson billed the office’s law librarian for a publication that she never requested.

Although the settlement only involves Florida customers, it would be wise for any library administrator to review its records and make sure that the library is only being billed for publications that it needs or wants.

Baish of AALL Testifies In Support Of GPO Budget

“On May 7, Mary Alice Baish of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) gave testimony before the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, Legislative Branch Subcommittee, in support of the fiscal year (FY) 2009 budget request of the U.S. Government Printing Office. She testified on behalf of AALL, the American Library Association, and the Special Libraries Association.” [via ALA District Dispatch] (as summarized here)

For the complete text of Ms. Baish’s testimony click here.

West Virginia Library To Get New Law Librarian

We reported last week that the Berkeley County Law Judicial Center in Martinsburg, West Virgina has had to close its doors to the public for the past year because it does not currently have a law librarian. In response to publicity about this situation, the chief justice of the West Virginia Court of Appeals has directed the state court system’s executive director to hire a librarian for this library as soon as possible.

For more on this development, click here.

West Virginia Bars Users From Law Library Due To Lack Of Librarian

Eastern West Virginians in need of valuable legal resources and research assistance literally have been locked out of a publicly funded regional law library for more than a year, according to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals’ top librarian.

“Since we are without a librarian at the moment, I am reluctant to leave the library open,” Kaye L. Maerz said Thursday at the library in the Berkeley County Judicial Center in Martinsburg.

For more on this story, Click Here.

Pilot Program in Maryland Offers Help to Pro Se Litigants

In response to a growing number of people who forgo hiring a lawyer when heading into court, the law library at Howard County Circuit Court is providing five hours of free legal assistance each week to litigants who plan to represent themselves.

The Maryland State Law Library awarded a $9,100 grant to Howard to cover the expenses of the three-month pilot project, which began last week.

For more on this story, click here.

The Law of the Sea

Those of you who are planning to take cruises this summer might be interested in this blog post by Mary Flood about just how many of your rights you sign away in the standard cruise contract! The post discusses a presentation that was made to the Southwestern Association of Law Libraries during a five-day legal conference that took place on a Carnival cruise ship.