The Law Foundation of Ontario, an organization that funds programs and initiatives in Ontario, Canada, has now launched a French version of its website.
Online Law Library Considered For Prisoners
In what may be a trend in the future, the Blair County Law Library in Hollidaysburg, Pennsyvania is considering converting its prison law library into an electronic one. For more on the story, click here.
Libraries Without Walls
From the 6-24-2008 NY Daily News, an interesting story about Brooklyn Public Library’s Young Adult Librarian Roxana Benevides and her views on the changing library. Click here for more.
From Lakeland Florida’s The ‘Guybrarians’ – An Overdue Phenomenon at Many Libraries, and a Fine Career Choice, states, “an American Library Association study found that men make up 18 percent of all credentialed librarians.” (full article)
New York State Links
If you do any legal business in New York State, you might find these links provided by the Gotham Gazette to be helpful.
Social Networking May Pay Off in the End
From’s Law Technology News: Social Networking May Pay Off in the End. Some people question the value of professional networking sites, given that a critical mass has yet to join them. But to attorney Robert Ambrogi, avoiding social networking until it becomes widespread makes no more sense than waiting to launch a blog until everyone else has one.
New State Website Helps Prospective Jurors Save Time
From the 06/07/2008 Star Ledger: State website helps prospective jurors save time .
No more wasting half the day in court waiting to be called for jury duty, only to be told your services are not needed. Since Wednesday, prospective jurors need only go online at to find out if they have to show up. Read More…
Limited Library Access At Drexel During Renovations
If you use the Hagerty library at Drexel, take note – from June 5 through June 13, access to the library will be limited to Drexel students due to renovations that will be taking place at that time. Among these renovations is an addition to the Earle Mack School of Law’s library on the third floor.
For more information, click here.
A Day in the Life of the Law Library Community Photo Contest: 2008 Winners
During the month of February, AALL members took a wide range of photographs of law librarians working, meeting, teaching, and doing all that law librarians do in a given day or week. Nearly 50 AALL members from 35 different law libraries across the country submitted more than 125 photos to the contest.
Click here see all of the winning photographs.
West Virginia Law Library Open Once Again
In a follow-up story, even though it is still in need of a law librarian, the 23rd Judicial Circuit regional law library in Martinsburg, West Virginia is once again open to the public.