
February 2012 Brown Bag Luncheon Series

Feb 2012 Brown Bag Flyer

February Brown Bag Luncheon Series
Newark and Morristown

Bring Your Challenges – Suggestions, Solutions & Sharing

Join our brown bag luncheon to discuss issues and challenges we all face. Discussion topics may include collection resizing, space planning, vendor relations and staffing, just to name a few. Get suggestions and solutions for the issues you face daily.

Bring your own lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, February 10, 2012

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 14th at 12:00 noon
Newark — Prudential Insurance Company of America
Law Library, 4th Floor
751 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Contact: Beth Pickell
Phone: 973-802-9763
Parking – Edison Fast Park, 30 Bank Street (between Halsey and Broad)
Newark, NJ 07102

Date and Time: Thursday, February 16thth at 12:00 noonMorristown — Saiber LLC
18 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 200
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Contact: Zoe Michaud
Phone: 973.845.7713
Directions –

NJLLA Holiday Party – December 5, 2011

Holiday Party 2011 Flyer

Please join us for our annual Holiday Party on Monday, December 5, 2011. This year, thanks to West Librarian Relations, we are having the party at Jim Johnston’s Steakhouse in Roseland. See above flyer for all of the details. We will be collecting children’s books and pajamas as our Community Service project.

To RSVP, contact Leigh DeProspo (, 732-476-3294, by December 1, 2011.

Hors d’oeuvres Buffet and Dessert

November Meeting & Luncheon – Applying Technology in Libraries: Archiving at the New Yorker

Nov 2011 program flyer

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
November Meeting & Luncheon
Applying Technology in Libraries: Archiving at The New Yorker with Jon Michaud

Program Description:
Jon Michaud will discuss how The New Yorker magazine manages its archive, employing both paper and digital technologies, and how the magazine makes its archive available and accessible to its readers, from blogs to ebooks.

Jon Michaud is the head librarian at The New Yorker. He is a graduate of the University of East Anglia, in England and holds an MLS from Pratt in Brooklyn. His first novel, “When Tito Loved Clara” was published earlier this year. He lives in Maplewood, NJ with his wife and two sons.

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: Saiber LLC, 18 Columbia Turnpike • Suite 200 • Florham Park, NJ • 07932
Directions:   (
Cost: $5.00 – members $10.00 – non-members $2.50 – students
Lunch Included

Please RSVP by Friday, November 11, 2011
Contact: Johanna Bizub email: or call 973-367-3175
Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association
Mail to: Johanna Bizub, Prudential Insurance 751 Broad Street, NJ-01-04-13, Newark, NJ 07102-3714

The Committee will be collecting canned and boxed food for a local food closet.

NJLJ DDS archive access restored to NJLJ subscribers

On September 1st, I posted that access to most of the Daily Decision Service Alerts on the New Jersey Law Journal web site had been limited to LexisNexis subscribers. I was informed today by our account manager at NJLJ, and have verified by looking at the site, that that blockage of access has been corrected. NJLJ subscribers now have full access to the DDS Alert archive, back to January 1994. NJLJ subscribers also have access to the archives of case summaries, notices to the bar, judicial guides, supplements such as the “New Partners Yearbook,” and the various columns such as “Inadmissible” and “On the Move.” It is only for feature articles and some other content such as editorials and “Voice of the Bar” that access is limited to LexisNexis subscribers when the material becomes six months old. – PAX

Supreme Court Rules Committee Reports

Back in 2009-10, at the recommendation of NJLLA, the Judiciary web site added a single index page leading to the biannual and annual pages that provide links to the reports of the various Supreme Court Rules Committees. That index page, which was at, has now been missing for some months, while a dead link to it remains in the “Quick Index” to the Judiciary web site. Communication to the Judiciary webmaster has been unavailing. The biannual and annual pages of reports are still on the site, and their addresses are consistently constructed, using the final year of the reporting cycle. For example, the page for the reports of the 2000-2002 cycle (the earliest reports on the site) is found at, and those of the the 2009-2011 cycle (currently the latest ones) are at The Rutgers Law Library has compiled links to all the report pages at

article on N.J. legislative history

In a recent issue of Legal Reference Services Quarterly appears as article by Barbara H. Garavaglia (of the University of Michigan Law Library), entitled “Using Legislative Histories to Determine Legislative Intent in New Jersey,” 30 LRSQ 71 (2011). Of particular interest in the article is the section on “use of legislative histories in New Jersey Courts,” 30 LRSQ at 73-78 and the accompanying notes.

BPU orders to be on the web

P.L. 2011, c.63, approved May 4, 2011, requires Board of Public Utilities orders to be in writing and to be posted on the BPU’s Internet website. The law is to be effective 30 days after enactment. [Follow-up: As of June 2nd, 2011, BPU orders from 2007 forward, current to mid-May, are available on the BPU website at]

Lexis Advance lacks segment-restriction

In the Beta version of Lexis Advance as of May 2011, the search capabilities do not include segment-restricted searching – that is, there is no efficient way to restrict a case law search by counsel, by opinion author, or by party. The content does not yet include any administrative regulations, but they are expected to be added this fall.