
Reminder: RSVP to NJLLA 25th Anniversary Celebration on November 5th

If you’re planning to attend NJLLA’s 25th Anniversary celebration at the Newark Museum on November 5th, please contact Johanna Bizub as soon as possible ( or 973-367-3175) so we can get some preliminary attendance figures.

The evening features speaker Bob Berring and provides time to mingle and dine with friends and colleagues and a chance to enjoy the museum’s exhibit and gift shop. The celebration starts at 5:00 and ends at 8:00 p.m.

Our community service collection will be for non-perishable food for the Saint John’s food pantry in Newark.

We hope to see you there!

Kathy Taggart
NJLLA President

POSTPONED – NJLLA 25th Anniversary Celebration & November Meeting

View the NJLLA 25th Anniversary Program Flyer


Please join us as we mark our 25th Anniversary as an AALL Chapter. The special event at The Newark Museum features our honored guest lecturer, Robert C. Berring, Jr., the Walter Perry Johnson Professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

Bob Berring has inspired law librarians through his many roles in the profession and as the author of highly regarded legal research textbooks.

The evening includes a dinner buffet and the opportunity to view the current special exhibit: Angels & Tomboys: Girlhood in 19th Century American Art.

We gratefully acknowledge our meeting sponsors for assisting us with this program:





DATE/TIME: Monday, November 5th, 2012 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm

COST: $10.00 (covers dinner & parking). Checks payable to the New Jersey Law Librarians Association.

PLACE: The Newark Museum’s Engelhard Court
49 Washington Street Newark NJ
Parking at Central Parking adjacent to The Newark Museum (Washington St. & Central Ave.)

RSVP: Johanna Bizub by Wednesday, October 31st
973-367-3175 or email:
Prudential Insurance Company
751 Broad St., NJ-01-04-13
Newark NJ 07102-3714


COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT: We will be collecting non-perishable food.

Save the Date: NJLLA 25th Anniversary Celebration on 11/5/12

The New Jersey Law Librarians Association turned 25 over the summer.  On July 6, 1987, NJLLA was officially recognized as a chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries.

Our November program will commemorate our 25 years and will feature guest speaker Bob BerringMr. Berring is not only a renowned leader in the fields of law librarianship and legal research but also a wonderful speaker and inspiring presence.  Our celebration will be held on the evening of Monday, November 5, at the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey.  Stay tuned for more details and save the date!

September Program: Walking the Tightrope Between Licensed Data Restrictions and User Access

Sept 2012 Program Flyer 

Program Description:  Vendor contracts are getting more complex and the use of licensed data has become more restrictive. Digital data is the vendor’s property, which it licenses to subscribers. This program will suggest ways to comply with licensing restrictions and instruct users about these restrictions.

Speaker Biography:  Linda-Jean Schneider is the Electronic Resources Manager for Morgan Lewis & Bockius, having joined the firm in February 2012.  Previously she spent more than 25 years in law firm library management positions at two other Philadelphia-based firms. She is an active member of AALL, GPLLA, and SLA, and is the current chair of the Private Law Libraries SIS of AALL. Linda-Jean was part of a panel presenting on this topic at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Boston.

Date:  Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Location:  Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, Metro Corporate Campus One, 99 Wood Avenue South, Iselin, NJ, 732-549-5600. Directions:

Time:  12:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Cost:  Members: $17.00      Students: $8.50      Non-Members: $22.00

RSVP:  by Friday, September 14, 2012

Community Service Project:  School supplies including backpacks, spiral note books, 3 ring binders, filler paper, calculators, hand sanitizer, scotch tape, pens, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, highlighters and colored markers

Check payable to:  New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to:  Anne Shulman, Riker, Danzig, One Speedwell Ave., P.O. Box 1981, Morristown, NJ 07962-1981, e-mail: or call 973-538-0800, x7482

New e-book on NJ constitutional history

“Traces of Its Labors”: The Constitutional Commission, The Legislature, and Their Influence on the New Jersey Constitution, 1873-1875, by Peter J. Mazzei and Robert F. Williams (N.J. Office of Legislative Services, 2012). Includes the proceedings and reports of the Constitutional Commission of 1873, newspaper accounts of its deliberations, and other documentation of the 1875 amendments.   The proceedings, transcribed from original manuscript, are published here for the first time.

NJLLA Annual Business Meeting & Luncheon

May 2012 Annual Meeting Flyer

Join your law librarian colleagues as we eat, network and swear in the new board

Date/Time: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm

Location: Spanish Manor Restaurant
246 Heller Parkway
Newark, NJ 07107

Cost: $25.00 – members $30.00 – non-members $12.50 – students

Please RSVP by Friday, May 4, 2012

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to: Johanna Bizub, Prudential Insurance Company of America,
751 Broad Street – NJ-01-04-13
Newark, NJ 07102
e-mail: or call 973-367-3175

We will be collecting donations to support the efforts of the Ronald McDonald House of New Brunswick. The goal of the Ronald McDonald House is to provide a true “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children receiving care at medical facilities near New Brunswick. They offer Family Rooms and a Hospitality Suite in the pediatric units of four hospitals in Monmouth and Middlesex County. The Ronald McDonald House provides a welcoming, supportive environment for families during a time of uncertainty and stress. Family members can stay together in a comfortable home with private rooms and many amenities, helping them to remain strong throughout the course of their child’s treatment.

Click to access Wish-List-NewBrunswick.pdf

April Morning Meeting: Writing Workshop for Law Librarians

April 2012 Program Flyer

Program Description:

If you missed it at AALL in Philadelphia last summer, you have another opportunity to attend this well-received writing workshop. Designed for writers of all levels, the workshop will help us learn how to think past mere sentence-level editing skills to more deeply fine-tune our writing. 

By exploring often-overlooked features of good academic writing, especially those that quietly serve as the springboard for an article’s main idea, we can begin to more easily come up with new and relevant topics about which to write, position a piece for publication, and communicate our ideas effectively to readers.

Workshop Leaders:

Amanda Irwin Wilkins, Director of the Princeton Writing Program, began her career in the editorial department at Scarecrow Press before earning her graduate degree in Comparative Literature. At the Writing Program she teaches new teachers of writing and offers a freshman writing seminar which draws on her research into how writers imagine war from the home front and navigate the aftermath of collective and individual trauma.

David Hollander is the Law & Legal Studies Librarian at the Princeton University Library and a Lecturer in the Princeton Writing Program where he teaches a writing seminar titled “The Fourteenth Amendment.” Prior to coming to Princeton University, David was the Reference/Instructional Services Librarian at the University of Miami School of Law. He is an active member of the American Association of Law Libraries.

DATE: Tuesday, April 17th
TIME: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
PLACE: The Writing Program at Princeton University
Directions and information about parking are available at
The Writing Program is located in Baker Hall (part of the Whitman College complex).
A light breakfast will be served.

COST: Members: $20.00           Students: $10.00           Non-Members: $25.00

RSVP by Thursday, April 12, 2012

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

 Mail to: Anne Shulman    Riker, Danzig One Speedwell Ave, PO Box 1981, Morristown, NJ 07962-1981
email:  or call 973-538-0800, ext. 7482

NJLLA Grant to AALL Annual Meeting – Apply Now!

NJLLA Grant Application to 2012 AALL Annual Meeting (Word)
NJLLA Grant Application to 2012 AALL Annual Meeting (PDF)

Now is the time to apply for this year’s grant to attend the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), July 21-24 in Boston, MA.  You must be a member of NJLLA to apply.  For details on qualifications and grant specifics, see attached grant forms in Word and PDF.

March 2012 Meeting & Luncheon – E-Books

March 2012 Program Flyer

March Meeting & Luncheon: E-Books: Best Practices, Platforms and Devices

Our presenter is Michael Maziekien, head of adult services and IT for Rockaway Township Public Library. He will provide an overview of best practices regarding e-books, platforms and devices. In addition, he will discuss resources for free e-books.

Date/Time: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm
Lowenstein Sandler PC – LS East Building
65 Livingston Ave.
Roseland, NJ

Cost: $10.00 – members $15.00 – non-members $7.50 – students

Please RSVP by Friday, March 9, 2012

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to: Kathy Taggart, Lowenstein Sandler, 65 Livingston Ave., Roseland NJ 07068, e-mail: or call 973-422-6442


We will be collecting donations for St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center Please below for their wish list. Alternatively, we can accept cash donations.

St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center


• Colorful Springs Cat Toys
• SmartCat 3833 Peek-a-Prize Pet Toy Box
• Peek a Prize Balls
• Zanies Rattling Hypno Mice Cat Toys
• SmartCat 3836 Tick Tock Teaser
• Cat Dancer
• Cat Beds
• KMR (kitten milk replacer)
• Soft baby blankets for our orphaned kittens
• Heating pads
• Baby wipes
• Baby food – no onion/garlic added please
• Cat toys
• Cat litter – non-clumping
• 6” paper plates


• Ethical Pet Seek-A-Treat Shuffle Bone Dog Puzzle
• Kyjen Dog Games Paw Hide Treat Toy
• Kongs for Seniors
• Puzzle toy
• Nylabone Stuff and Chew
• Stuffing free toys – stuff with water bottle
• Chill Pill
• Hills Science Diet PUPPY/ADULT dry dog food
• Martingale collars – all sizes
• Nylon slip leads
• Gently used towels, blankets, quilts or sheets
• Soft Treats – no hard cookies please


• Feliway diffuser refills
• Fish oil capsules
• Powdered Lysine
• Stainless steel litter boxes
• 2×2 Gauze Pads
• Stainless steel cat bowls
• Neosporin
• Q-tips
• Rubbing alcohol


• Hand Sanitzer
• Paper towels
• DAWN dish soap
• Scrub sponges
• Windex
• Animal Safe Ice Melt
• Bleach
• Laundry soap
• Clorox clean-up
• TALL kitchen garbage bags
• Digital Camera