
Progress on U.E.L.M.A.

Progress continues to be made throughout the United States on the passage of the U.E.L.M.A (the Uniform Electronic Legal Materials Act). On May 17th, Governor Daniel Malloy of Connecticut signed SB 235, making the state the sixth one to enact it. Several other states have bills pending in their legislatures. The U.E.L.M.A. continues to be of interest to the legal community but especially to law librarians. NJLLA, through the Government Affairs and Legal Information Committee, is working with the New Jersey Law Revision Commission on U.E.L.M.A. to see about getting it introduced in our legislature. The following answers questions you may have about the U.E.L.M.A.:

Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act FAQ (from AALL)

If you are interested in working with NJLLA’s Government Affairs and Legal Information Committee on this legislation, please contact Dianne Oster.


2013 Annual Business Meeting & AALL Visit

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
2013 Annual Business Meeting & AALL Visit
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

NJLLA Flyer for 2013 Annual Meeting

Program Description:      AALL Update and Visit from Executive Board Member 

Speaker Biography:        Darcy Kirk is the Associate Dean for Library & Technology and Professor of Law at the University of Connecticut School of Law. She is the Immediate Past President of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). Darcy is active in a number of professional organizations and is a frequent presenter at professional meetings.  

DATE:            Wednesday May 15, 2013 

PLACE:           Centennial Hall
                           Newark Public Library  5 Washington Street  Newark NJ

While at the library, you will be able to see these exhibits:

Philip Roth:  Exhibit of Photos From a Lifetime

Newark Art and Artists: Prints, Photographs and Other Works

TIME:            12:00 noon – 3:00 pm

Lunch                                                                            12:00 –  1:15 pm           
Program                                                                        1:15 –  2:00 pm
NJLLA Annual Business Meeting & Election     2:00 –  3:00 pm

Hot and cold buffet, please arrive promptly so that you can enjoy lunch & networking. 

COST: Members: $20.00           Students: $10.00           Non-Members: $25.00

RSVP:  by Friday, May 10, 2013 

Community Service Project: Ronald McDonald House  New Brunswick, NJ
Items needed:  Swiffers- Dry/Wet, Febreze, Broom- any type indoor brooms, Tupperware,/Rubbermaid storage containers- all sizes, Keurig coffee pods, Dreft Laundry detergent & Giftcards :  Home Depot, Stop & Shop, Target 

Check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association

Mail to:  Johanna Bizub     email:  or call 973-367-3175      Prudential Insurance  751 Broad Street  NJ-01-04-13  Newark, NJ  07102-3714

April Meeting: Feeling Good about Medical Legal Research

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
April Meeting

Feeling Good About Medical Legal Research

Presented by Caroline Young, NJLLA Vice-President/President-Elect & Reference and Technology Librarian, Rutgers School of Law – Newark

NJLLA April 2013 Meeting Flyer

Most law librarians will be asked to perform medical or health-related research during the course of their careers. This program will provide an introduction to locating and evaluating medical information. Topics will include: defining evidence-based medicine, applying the methods of evidence-based medicine to the process of medical research, and evaluating retrieved information. Effective searching of MEDLINE, using the controlled vocabulary MeSH (the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings), will also be covered.

DATE: Thursday, April 18th, 2013

PLACE: Lowenstein Sandler (LS East Building)
65 Livingston Ave, Roseland ,NJ

TIME: 12 noon to 2 pm

COST:    Members: $15.00    Students: $10.00    Non-Members: $20.00

RSVP to:  Kathy Taggart by Thursday, April 12, 2013

Make check payable to: New Jersey Law Librarians Association
Mail to: Kathy Taggart, Lowenstein Sandler 65 Livingston Ave. Roseland, NJ  07068
email: or call 973-422-6442


Community Service Project

The Community Service Committee will be collecting “forever” stamps, greeting cards, envelopes and stationery for the Stamp Out Despair campaign. This cause is sponsored by First Friends, a group that visits those who are held in immigration detention in New Jersey, and the donations are used to assist detainees in writing letters.  For more information, the home page of this organization is: 

Announcement: Apply for the NJLLA 2013 AALL Meeting Grant

NJLLA 2013 AALL Meeting Grant Application

Please consider applying for the 2013 NJLLA Grant to attend the AALL Annual Meeting


 Seattle, WA – July 13 – 16, 2013

Applications and Essays must be submitted by April 15, 2013 to:

Caroline Young

Rutgers Law School-Newark

123 Washington St.

Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: 973-353-3146

Fax: 973-353-1574


The Grants and Awards Committee will decide the recipient of the 2013 NJLLA Grant by April 30, 2013.
Please see application above with additional instructions and essay topic.



March Meeting: Visit the New Jersey Law Journal

New Jersey Law Librarians Association
March Meeting

The New Jersey Law Journal is 135!

Flyer for March 2013 Meeting

Join us as we visit the offices of the New Jersey Law Journal and celebrate its 135th anniversary.  The Law Journal’s Newark office has become the regional legal book publishing hub of American Lawyer Media.  This is a great opportunity to meet their expanded book editing staff.  ALM now publishes state-specific treatises and form books in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and California, in addition to New Jersey. 

Lunch and a tour of the offices will be included.  There is no charge for this event, but RSVPs are mandatory. 

DATE:               Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 

PLACE:            New Jersey Law Journal  238 Mulberry Street, Newark, NJ 07101

Parking is adjacent to the building.  

TIME:                12 noon to 2 pm

RSVP by:               Friday, March 22nd, 2013

RSVP to:          Johanna Bizub   email: or 973-367-3175

Community Service Project

The Community Service Committee will be collecting new and gently used sports equipment for donation to the Newark Area schools for their aftercare and Big Brothers/Big Sisters programs.  Items requested are:  footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, baseballs, batting helmets, gloves, softballs, gift cards to Dicks’ or Modell’s, etc.

Free N.J.A.C. site improved

The free public access site for the N.J. Admin. Code and N.J. Register, at now provides Lexis functionality on both publications (instead of having the Code in a different “Michie’s Legal Resources” format). At the moment the N.J.A.C. there is about one month less current than the N.J.A.C. on – if that lag stays constant it will be an improvement over the lag time of the former Michie version. The free N.J.R. remains fully current.

Seeking Nominees for NJLLA Executive Board

It’s that time again! The Nominating Committee is seeking nominees for the following Executive Board offices: 

Vice President / President Elect
Member at Large (2 positions)

If you would like to nominate someone or yourself, please contact Janice Schouten ( by Thursday, February 28 by sending her the contact information of that person and the position for which he or she is being nominated. The Nominations Committee will submit a slate of nominees to the Executive Board by March 15, and elections will take place at the Annual Business Meeting in May.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Nominating Committee. 

Thank you.

Janice Schouten, Nominating Committee Chair (
Mary Ellen Kaas  (
Sue Lyons  (
Lucy Rieger  (

NJLLA Holiday Party — December 5, 2012

 NJLLA Holiday Party Flyer – 12-05-12

Join us at NJLLA’s annual Holiday Party on December 5, 2012 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm

McCarter & English
4 Gateway Center
100 Mulberry Street, 15th Floor
Newark NJ 07102

Recommended Parking: Edison Park Fast on the corner of Mulberry and Market Streets.

Hors d’oeuvres Buffet & Dessert

Please RSVP by December 3 to Janice Schouten at 973-889-4368 or

The Community Service Committee will be collecting children’s books and pajamas for the The Pajama Project.

25th Anniversary Celebration – Postponed Until Spring 2013

Due to storm conditions and possible travel difficulties for our fantastic guest speaker, we are going to postpone the 25th Anniversary Celebration, scheduled for this Monday, November 5th, to sometime this spring. While we are sad to have to postpone, we look forward to a celebration where everyone can attend without concerns about personal safety or gas usage.

This situation has been difficult for many people in the region. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound and your personal property is intact. If there’s anything NJLLA can do for you at this time, please do not hesitate to ask.

Our NJLLA holiday party will be held on Wednesday, December 5th at McCarter & English in Newark (details to follow soon). I hope to see you all there and we can celebrate a bit at that time.

All the best,

Kathy Taggart
NJLLA President