New Jersey Law Librarians Association
NJLLA Annual Holiday Party
(In Person!)
We are thrilled to announce the return of the in-person Holiday Party!
Join us for a fun holiday celebration, including a dinner buffet, dessert, and a celebration of the first night of Hanukkah. We look forward to seeing you!
Note: This event is for NJLLA members only.
DATE: Thursday, December 7, 2023
LOCATION: Lowenstein Sandler, One Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, NJ 07068
TIME: 5:30 – 8:00 pm
RSVP: Contact Kathy Taggart by Monday, December 4th at
ktaggart@lowenstein.com OR (732) 754-0829 (cell)

Thank you to Thomson Reuters for generously sponsoring this holiday party every year!
Community Service Project:
We will be doing our traditional collection of children’s pajamas and books for the Pajama Program. In addition to bringing items to the party, you can purchase and ship directly using this link (include NJLLA in the comment section) or Venmo Johanna Bizub at @johanna-bizub and she can purchase them for you and include them in the collection.