NJLJ DDS archive access restored to NJLJ subscribers

On September 1st, I posted that access to most of the Daily Decision Service Alerts on the New Jersey Law Journal web site had been limited to LexisNexis subscribers. I was informed today by our account manager at NJLJ, and have verified by looking at the site, that that blockage of access has been corrected. NJLJ subscribers now have full access to the DDS Alert archive, back to January 1994. NJLJ subscribers also have access to the archives of case summaries, notices to the bar, judicial guides, supplements such as the “New Partners Yearbook,” and the various columns such as “Inadmissible” and “On the Move.” It is only for feature articles and some other content such as editorials and “Voice of the Bar” that access is limited to LexisNexis subscribers when the material becomes six months old. – PAX

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